Forest Friends Eval Zine: Weekly Update

Hey Forest Friend!

Wil and I are hard at working on doing the final pass of the zine. Right now we’re focused on ensuring that it is actionable; that every page gets you one step closer to trusting in your LLM system.

Last month, I went to the AI Engineer’s World Fair in San Francisco and talked to 100+ people about their eval strategy. One of the fears that I heard was: “evals are a big company thing and not for me.”

I can see why people would think that. There’s no shortage of content describing why you should have evals. There’s very little content telling you exactly what you should build and how.

Our goal with this zine is really to help you go from “zero to eval,” and show value to your team.

If you’ve already pre-ordered, thank you for your support! And if you haven’t, go ahead and do it now!